Thursday, February 16, 2012

New image of Jaden Smith in After Earth

A glut of on-set images have recently emerged from the Costa Rican shoot of M Night Shyamalan's After Earth, but up until now, they've mainly featured Will Smith and son Jaden lounging about in their civvies.However, a new image has now been released featuring Jaden Smith in his full costume, and it's starting to give us some idea of the kind of visual aesthetic we can expect from the film.Set some thousand years in the future, After Earth tells the story of a young boy and his estranged father attempting to navigate a desolate and dangerous Earth when their ship crashes and maroons them.That's about as much as we know plot-wise, but this new image reveals that our heroes will be sporting some sort of second-skin, presumably designed to help them survive this newly inhospitable Earth.Co-starring Zoe Kravitz, Sophie Okonedo, and Isabelle Fuhrman, After Earth is slated to open in the UK on 7 June 2013. Will this be the film that kick-starts Shyamalan's career? Put it this way, it can't be any worse than The Last Airbender...

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