Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Watch Jonah Hill Get His Ass Kicked in 'The Sitter' Red Band TV Trailer

Jonah Hill's recent weight loss makes the press he's doing for 'Moneyball' all the more interesting. The film was shot prior to Hill shedding the pounds, and it's slightly odd to see this fit, skinny actor promoting a movie -- only to watch a clip of said movie with him looking nothing like that. In a recent Esquire interview, Hill spoke about reservations some people expressed about him no longer being funny now that he lost the weigh: "It's funny because people are like, 'Oh, is he not funny anymore?' You just gotta live your life. I'm happy with myself." Whatever the future implications of Hill's weight loss, you'll have to get used to his press tour/big screen appearance dichotomy for a little while longer. 'The Sitter' is another film that the 'Moneyball' co-star shot pre-weight loss, and it finds him in true 'Superbad' mode: making an ass of himself, getting the crap kicked out of him and -- yes -- being the "funny fat guy." Watch the red band TV spot below. Warning: language very NSFW. Obviously. [via CinemaBlend] Image courtesy of WireImage

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