Monday, July 4, 2011

ugh i cant find the song any wear please take the time to read it most of it is just the lyrics to a song?

me and my little sis was watching my baby sitters a vampire and i
heard this really COOL song i don't know the name i cant find the song
any wear all i know are a little bit of the lyrics here they are
my oh my god your a queen bee a queen bee stinger a heart breaking
girl who puts u through the ringer your the kind of girl yea ive been
known to watch ur hips sway down the hall way each and every other
day probably use to hearing ur a 10 every now and then every time u
pass by the men they say come again when u leave i hit the re wind
doesn't seem right to leave me so blind that's all i know and i really
want to know the title i tried my o my and this song by aqua keeps on
coming up plz help if u can thanks i know the lyrics are kinda weird
but still please help

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